Discover England


The History...

What is so special about England? Why does England attract millions of visitors each year.? Most of the reason is due to England's rich and vibrant history. Many of our ancestors trace back to England before immigrating to Canada or the United States (also once referred to as the colonies). Historians and amateur history buffs spend a great deal of time in England to gather a sense and understanding of all historical events. Why? Up until the 1900's England dominated the world; socially, economically, military, and advancements. So, with England's in-depth and never-ending history, historians have sought out multiple places to quickly yet thoroughly gather as much important history as possible. Theses places are often Castles.

Click on the Castle to learn more...


                                                                                                  The Artists...

For centuries artists have captivated their audiences. From theatre performers to painters, artists have taken people to another time, another place, another world. England has housed many of these artists.  Some artists include William Turner the brilliant painter, David Garrick - An actor and director who brought new life to the staging of Shakespeare's plays. These artists helped shape English Arts and there works have lived on and inspired many current actors and artists.

Click on the painting to learn more...

The Authors...

Great writers are hard to find. Sure there are millions of writers in the world but most of them lack the spark. The spark is when a writer creates a world that is so personal that makes the reader enter into that secret world and become lost. A world that makes the reader feel what the writer feels. There are few writers throughout the centuries who have mastered that technique. There are however three distinctive writers that are known worldwide. Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Shakespeare. Shakespeare is mostly known for being a playwright but is a writer believe it or not.

Click on each photo for a brief biography and interesting conclusions...


Created By: Christine Marie
Date Last Modified - March 19, 2010
